Magnets in the universe|strongest magnetic field giants|Magnetar

Magnetars these are formed from 1 out of 1000 neutron stars . generally a neutron star itself has high magnetic field because, of high gravity pull makes a star which is a size of 10 suns to the size smaller than earth , there are so dense it has only neutrons which gives them the name neutron star .

So what lets a neutron star turn into a Magnetar 

The actually reason is unknown ,but researchers say that it can be because of a perfect temperature, magnetic field ,spin rate it sets off a dynamo mechanism that amplifies the magnetic field by a factor of thousand.

On recent discovery of a Magnetar in our milky way galaxy gives them some clue about how they form,that is :-

Image result for binary star

This Magnetar is a rogue one that is located on the escape trajectory of the milky way , this means they are ejected when one star detonates in a binary system of stars.While they were partner ,the two stars orbited one another closer than the earth and the sun,this leads transfer of material back and forth.In this the larger one dies first ,puffing out and transferring material to the smaller one,.This makes the smaller star grew larger and spewed material back to the first star.Initially smaller one detonates as a supernova first ,ejecting the other star into the escape trajectory and then the second went off,but instead of forming a regular neutron star all these binary interactions turned it into a Magnetar.

Lets give a magnetic comparison scale :-  earth's core has 25 Gauss , a regular neutron star has a trillion Gauss and the Magnetar has a quadrillion Gauss. 

So what happen if we get closer to a Magnetar:

Well within about 1000 kilometers the magnetic field is so strong it messes with the electrons in our atoms , You would literally been torn into atomic level
