Imagine your brain connects to computer?how it will be?|neuralink|Elon musk vision|advantages and disadvanges|

So lets have a day dream , imagine that you have a superpower to just to control all electronic devices around example your TV,mobile phone and you can also can store your memories in a computer,that would be awesome but you would say this can't happen in reality,but truth is that it can .

So is possible to connect our brain with electronic devices any proof ?

Here there are :

1.The 28-year-old man, who has been paralyzed for more than a decade after a spinal-cord injury, had electrodes from the prosthetic hand inserted into his sensory and motor cortex's. This allowed him to both control the hand with thought and sense when the fingers of the hand were touched individually. 

check out the video

2.In 2015 Nankai University in Tianjin develop a headset which has 16 sensors to read electronic signals from brain and used them to control a cars movement.

You would only need to concentrate on the thought when you want to actually change the status of your vehicle - something you do unconsciously anyway

so the advance version of this is gonna come in future that is we can able to store our memories and emotions and connecting our brain to internet.This idea was startup by elon musk in 2017 he named this project as neuralink , in that he stated that by using brain implant machines we can connect our biological Neal codex and  digital Neal codex. that is connecting brain with computer by implanting a chip inside your brain,this chip will be at nano scale (which is 10power-9 meter ) .   

Musk's company Neuralink is building tiny and flexible 'threads' which are ten times thinner than a human hair and can be inserted directly into the brain this is called as neuralace

So what are the advantages and disadvantages which it comes to neuralink


1. You can able to store your good memories with your loved ones in your pc 

2. No education is needed to world as our brains is connected to internet.

3. Less hand work , more brain work.

4. You can tune your emotions as you wish , that is you can remove short temper and replace with calm one.

Disadvantages :

This comes when someone hacks your brain interface , since we are connect with mobiles or pc, a simple malware a can lead to big privacy leaks.

cyber war will happen by  brainwash many people easily(just simply tune your emotions like a psycho killer one that is anger ,depressed and use you as a killing machine.

There will be no privacy any more

So one conclusion is that this technology is more valuable and need more high level of security



Author & Editor

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