On our previous content we talk in detail about universe expanding. So now we gonna discuss why universe is expanding?
Scientist predicted that this expands because of the potential gain by big bang. so what is big bang?
Let me explain:
Big bang is explosion happen which causes a blast of all particles which leads to formation of planets ,then galaxies, cluster and finally a whole universe.
But the interesting fact is that till now we don't know what caused big bang.
This theory was proposed by Georges Leminez who is now called as father of big bang in 1927 . His theory was solidified by Hubble in 1930 ,he found that all galaxies were flying away from each other in all directions. So scientists conjectured that in distant past (13.8 billion years ago) all the matter of the universe was confined to a single point called Singularity which exploded with a big bang. Then George Gammow and other scientists predicted hot big bang. They calculated the temperature of the cooled universe at present time. This was experimentally verified by Wilson and Penzias to be 2.7 degree Kelvin. This established the big bang theory as a viable theory.
Dark energy describes an unknown form of energy affects the universe on the largest scales.The first observation evidence for its existence was made through supernovae measurements that showed the universe is accelerating.
That observation happen in 1998 the high z supernova search team published any observation of type la (" one A") and this was supported by the supernova cosmology team in 1999
They estimate that the dark energy contributes 68% percent of the total mass of observable universe.However the density of dark energy is very low(-7x 10power-30 g/cmcube).
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