What are the tiny dots appear when we look at the sky|blue-sky sprites|white blood cells

When you look at the sky you see some tiny dots moving ,and you actually thought or i thought at my child hood that I got some strange power of seeing microorganism with naked eye but actually there is a reason behind this ,The phenomenon was so well-known that it acquired the nickname "blue-sky sprites,",so lets discuss about this

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So when we look at the sky, rays from the sun passes iris, then on the way of reaching photo receptor in retina ,there were being blocked by tiny blood vessels having red blood and white blood.

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The red blood cells blocks or absorbs blue light from sun . But since our  eye adjusts  we don't see dark nets across our vision. Because the eye adjusts, the 1% of the time that a white blood cell moves along the blood vessel, it lets the light through. The retina sends a signal of increased brightness to the brain, an, to the viewer, it looks like there is a tiny spot of blue-white light moving through the sky.

So how come scientist identified this:

 At First researchers noted the frequency and motion of the blue-sky sprites, then they went looking for other thin tissue to shine light through. They used the wing of a hibernating bat, and the cremaster (the thin muscle covering the testes) of a rat.
By shining light through these tissues, they could note, with instruments, the movement of bright spots through the blood vessels. By examining the frequency, motion, and size of the bright spots, the researchers were able to confirm white blood cells as their cause.

Three ways our universe can have its death?|big rip|big chill|big crunch

As i said before our universe is expanding with a rate of 72 km/s/Mpc for more details check my previous posts.

So everything as a end it even applies for our universe too ,so how our universe have its death ,they are:

1. Big rip:

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Since the rate of expansion of our universe doubles every 1 Mpc, so it will be difficult for the gravity of galaxies,stars to hold there particles.

at one stage our universe will expand at light speed that time it will be like we stuck in a black hole, that is even the atoms disintegrates .

2.Big freeze:

Image result for big freeze or heat death

The Big Freeze (or Big Chill) is a scenario under which continued expansion results in a universe that asymptotically approaches absolute zero temperature.In this scenario, stars are expected to form normally for 1012 to 1014 (1–100 trillion) years, but eventually the supply of gas needed for star formation will be exhausted. As existing stars run out of fuel and cease to shine, the universe will slowly and inexorably grow darker. Eventually black holes will dominate the universe, which themselves will disappear over time as they emit Hawking radiation.

3. Big crunch&Big bounce:

After trillion of years the force of gravity will excel the rate of uni verse and that time contraction of universe takes, this 
the temperature of the universe rises more than the outer surface of many stars and this also led to the combination of many super massive black holes and eventually erasing everything.

The Big Bang to occur immediately after the Big Crunch of a preceding universe.

The big bounce theory states that :

"the universe will continuously repeat the cycle of a Big Bang, followed up with a Big Crunch."

New master plan|death by breathing|chemtrails|illuminati

Don't be shock or afraid from the topic ,this was happen in world war era ,so what was there plan?why did we link with illuminati?

So this plan is termed as chemtrails ,for that we need to know contrail.It means the the condensed line of gas form from the ejection of airplane,jets.

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So these line will be temporary and dissapered as carbon dioxide,so this trail git a flash to us military, they taught that instead of making bombs why can't we st create a biowar by combining deathly chemicals with petrol.

This was a great plan ,so how come US get caught ?

Chemtrail conspiracy theories began to circulate after the United States Air Force (USAF) published a 1996 report about weather modification. Following the report, in the late 1990s the USAF was accused of "spraying the U.S. population with mysterious substances" from aircraft "generating unusual contrail patterns.

Many local  theories usually claim that normal jet plane output should dissipate quickly so any clouds that do not disappear immediately must be full of additional, undisclosed substances.

So for a clarification,world environment research send a team of 77 members to check the air composition were locals reported as a strange thing .
 76 said they found no evidence of a "secret large-scale atmospheric program"—that’s 98.7%. Instead, they found that "the data cited as evidence [for such a program] could be explained through other factors, including well-understood physics and chemistry associated with aircraft." In other words, the evidence pointed to the trails being simply the normally expected result of planes flying through the air.

As for that one scientist? One scientist noted that in one remote location, the levels of barium in the atmosphere were unusually high relative to the levels of barium in the soil. No claims were made that the reason for those elevated levels had to be a large scale chemical operation, but since that scientist was not convinced of a clear reason for the barium to be higher in the atmosphere there, they left the possibility open.
So why i link it with illuminati is that :
1. Illuminaties have thanos motive that is killing random peoples or wipe up the population.

Image result for thanos saying to destroy half of population
So for the sake of resources thay can have a tie up with the military

Illuminati|Rothschild family|bloodlines|wealthiest family|

So on your previous topic we have discussed about who and what are the reason for the cause of formation of Illuminati ,so now we gonna see a family  who were used to believed to be Illuminati.

The reason why i say they can be in Illuminati group will be on the end of this .

Image result for why rothschild family considered as illuminati

We are gonna see about Rothschild family: 

Rothschild family: net worth estimated at up to $700 trillion. One of the wealthiest and most influential families in the world.

It all stared from in 1760 s ,a man named Amshel Rothschild started a banking business in Germany ,he got this idea because at that time the population of Christians was high and they believed banking is sin as in bible it was said that we should not get profit from giving or lending money to others. So he use this opportunity and his banking business was became a huge profitable source. he was given 12th pace in Forbes  "twenty most influenced people ever exist" , on later period he made his five sons do there family business that is banking in different areas where christian people were more ,so he choose London,Paris ,Frankfurt,Vienna,Naples.

During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as in modern world history. The family's wealth declined over the 20th century, and was divided among many various descendants. Today their interests cover a diverse range of fields, including financial services, real estate, mining, energy, mixed farming, wine making and nonprofits.

So now this family take control of the whole European banks and done major funding's too.
for example many government ask loan to them like British ,India for major developments .

So why i said that these family can be in Illuminati is that:

1. They marry there children among there relations ,this means they keep there family secured .

2.As i said they give loan to many governments so why can't they fund for major revolution for there benefit. 

3. Last is that the history of this family is not clear or erased away.

Illuminati|secret society|Adam weishaupt |church society|

So this week we gonna start a new weekly series,that is Illuminati so today is the introduction  and basic outline part,so lets jump into our topic

So I guess most of us seeing  this page should have high of knowing the name illuminate,but you don't know about it.The word Illuminati  is plural of Latin illuminatus which means  "enlightened" .These are secret society who have a major principle of opposing superstitions,religious influence.

It all started in 1770's ,at that time both the government and people were on control by the church society. They made people forcefully believe there thoughts even some are  superstitions.


Adam Weishaupt  who was a professor of canon law at the university of Ingoslat  opposed the church or pope rule. But since he is a ordinary man he can't able to  do anything ,so he start a society to help him,since as I said majority of the people were oppose of this church rule in heart wise,so this secret society had a good impression among them.
Gradually time passes the strength of this society increases and there had a collaboration with free Marianas society in Bavaria (Germany).

After that the king and church society was curious about how this society came to power ,so they  send spy in that society and identify the heads of the society and publish . The interesting thing they find  is that even government higher officials were there in this society,so they decided to stop this society or else they will destroy them,thus they either kill or arrest the members of Illuminati .At last they give the verdict that they destroyed secret society but after 20 years a book was published ,in that they stated that Illuminati still exist . From that time till now people believed that Illuminati exists and  they played a crucial role in the powerful political deaths example: Abraham Lincoln,Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, and they were the cause of many revolutions like french.

Now they  major motive is to conquer the world and spread there ideas .

Do Black hole die|hawking radiation|virtual particles|

The answer is yes,for that you have to know what is black hole?,so check out this link about black hole.


So ,till 1974 scientist believed that black hole are immortal since they don't emit radiation.But in 1974 a  an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist Stephen William Hawking proposed his theory that black holes also emit radiation.

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He identity this by combining quantum mechanics and general theory of relativity.
He said that the blank space in our universe are not actually blank but ,collision of virtual matter and its anti matter and they both disappear,.

So ,like other parts of the universe ,at the event horizon there should be virtual masses forming and one goes to the singularity and other pops out from black hole as gamma radiation.so this radiation was termed as hawking radiation,in the honored of his discovery.

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f black holes evaporate under Hawking radiation, a solar mass black hole will evaporate over 1064 years.A super massive black hole with a mass of 1011 (100 billion) M will evaporate in around 2×10100 years. Some monster black holes in the universe are predicted to continue to grow up to perhaps 1014 M during the collapse of super clusters of galaxies. Even these would evaporate over a timescale of up to 10106 years.

In June 2008, NASA launched the Fermi space telescope, which is searching for the terminal gamma-ray flashes expected from evaporating primordial black holes. In the event that speculative large extra dimension theories are correct,

At  its end time there will be a huge blast of gamma rays takes place.
